The project of creating the blood pressure (BP) tonometer with non-invasive assessment of vascular functions is the main project of our company as the Sk resident. Today, hundreds of millions of people around the world with various cardiovascular diseases are exposed to blood pressure (BP) measurement procedures in clinics and at home with BP tonometers of varying complexity and accuracy. First of all, regular measurement of BP is necessary for patients with arterial hypertension of various etiologies. However, the reasons for the development of arterial hypertension (hypotension), and the pathogenesis of the disease, as well as the risks of complications – all these also depends on the state of blood vessels: their tone, wall stiffness (presence of calcification), the functioning of the endothelium, etc. In clinics, such complex studies of blood vessels are expensive and time-consuming. There are no cheap and affordable devices on the market, especially for the home usage (except for the BP tonometers themselves)

This project is aimed at solving the problem. An instrumental method for the rapid assessment of the state of blood vessels in patients with arterial hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system without the use of any expensive ultrasound, CT, and MRI methods is being researched and developed. To this end, it is proposed to supplement the design of a conventional automated BP monitor with external optical sensors (probes) attached to the patient’s extremities, which, using optical flowmetry and photoplethysmography technologies, simultaneously with measuring the BP, can measure parameters for assessing the condition and functioning of blood vessels: pulse wave velocity (PWV) for assessing a stiffness of arterial walls, perfusion to assess the baseline vascular tone, and several others. The idea of creating of such a tonometer is being worked out in this project. An application form was submitted and a RF patent for invention No. 2750745 with priority dated September 23, 2020 for a one-sided version of the device was received. Together with our industrial partner ELAMED JSC – the first prototype of a one-sided device was created. The first version of the software was developed and debugged and tested in the clinic. As a result of research, the idea of the device was refined, an application form was submitted and patent No. 2800898 was received with priority dated April 24, 2023 for a two-sided version of the device with extended functions.

At the moment, on the basis of MONIKI named after M.F.Vladimirsky scientific medical institute, a study of functionality and informativeness of the prototype is carried out. Data processing algorithms are worked out. Scientific and theoretical bases of metrological support of measurements are developed. New scientific publications and results of intellectual activity (RIA) are at the stage of registration. The project team is negotiating and evaluating various options for co-financing the project from external investors and industrial partners. We can offer a share in the company for serious strategic investors.

The project is being implemented with grant support from the Skolkovo Foundation.

For more details see our publications: